Monday, May 4, 2009

Kim's Weekly Savings

Savings for 4/26 - 5/2

Retail Value: $466.15
Sales Savings: $193.74
Coupon Savings: $236.98

Total: $33.41
Percentage Saved: 93%

Some of the highlights: 3/4 lb package of stir fry steak for $0.43, 2 shirts from Kohl's for Abe for $0.43 each, 3 cartons Breyer's icecream for $0.44 each, Free apples, 2 cans Pringles, 2 Kraft salad dressing, and 4 kraft mac n cheese from Target, 5 boxes of Special K for $0.40 a piece, a 260 package of wipes for $1.87, 15 boxes of Uncle Ben's rice for FREE, 2 Kraft BBQ sauce for FREE, 5 bags tortilla chips for FREE, 4 boxes of Bagelfuls for $0.64 each, 2 boxes Eggo Waffles for $0.54 each, 6 cans refried beans for FREE, 4 jars salsa for $0.35 each, 5 boxes Planter peanut bars for $0.25 each, Daisy Sour Cream for FREE, 2 Nivea Body Wash for FREE, 3 cans Dole Pineapple for $0.07 each, 7 Hormel Compleats meals for FREE, and 6 boxes of Electrasol tabs for FREE.

It was triple coupons at Harris Teeter, where a lot of my products came from. Below is a picture we took when our out of pocket expense was at $17. We wanted to put the pile away, so we didn't take any additional pictures after that.


Brenda said...

HOLY CRAP! I am so jealous of triple coupons!!