Wednesday, October 22, 2008

El Paso's lack of coupons

So because I live in el paso, I'm out 3 really good coupons this week. We not only dont get the high value coupons, sometimes they just leave pages of the smartsource or redplum out completely! It really irks me. While searching for a different newspaper we could get sent to el paso (with the utah ads), I ran into this and thought it was interesting (link)

Top Coupon-Clipping Cities

Scarborough also examined Grocery Coupon Clipping Households - those households that use grocery coupons (specifically) once a week or more.

Milwaukee, WI and Rochester, NY are the leading US market areas for these households, the analysis found:

40% of Milwaukee households and 38% of Rochester households use grocery coupons once a week or more.
Nationally, 27% of households use grocery coupons with this same frequency.
Albuquerque, NM, El PasoTX, and Fresno, CA are the markets least likely to have Grocery Coupon Clipping Households: 14% of Albuquerque households use grocery coupons once a week or more; 15% of those in El Paso, and Fresno use grocery coupons with this same frequency.


Kim and Ken Carlile said...

You are in a small majority then...too bad for all the others, they suck.

GordonTucker said...

isn't a small majority called a minority?